200 Manifestation Affirmations

Manifesting is turning your aspirations into reality through positive thoughts and beliefs. It’s drawing what you desire into reality by focusing on it and believing it already belongs to you. Manifesting can create the life you want; using affirmations to manifest is one of the most successful methods. In this article you find 200 affirmations to manifest your desires.

What Are Manifesting Affirmations?

Manifeting affirmations are positive statements you say to yourself to help shape your thoughts and beliefs toward what you desire. They’re an effective tool for realizing goals and dreams by altering your perspective and encouraging more positive experiences in your life. Manifesting affirmations create new neural pathways in the brain that support desired realities, reprograming your subconscious mind to align with conscious desires.

How Do Manifesting Affirmations Work?

Manifesting affirmations helps you focus your thoughts and beliefs on creating your desired life. Repeating affirmations causes them to become part of your subconscious mind, shifting your energy and vibration, making it easier to attract desired things into your life.

How to use manifesting affirmations to achieve your desired goals

The following steps will assist you in crafting and using affirmations that will help bring about the manifestation of your desires:

  • Before using affirmations to bring about your desired changes, it is essential to be clear on what you wish to achieve. Reflect and write down your goal in as much detail as possible.
  • Create Affirmations That Foster Your Desired Outcome: Once you know what you want to achieve, craft affirmations to help make it a reality. Be positive and use present tense language when making them; for example: “I am confident and successful in my career” or “I attract loving and supportive relationships into my life.”
  • Repetition of Affirmations: Practicing them regularly is essential to getting the most out of affirmations. Set aside time each day to repeat them silently or aloud. Alternatively, write them down in a journal or on sticky notes and keep them nearby to easily remember them throughout the day.
  • Believe in Your Affirmations: Believing in affirmations is crucial to using them effectively. Repeating them makes you feel like they have already come true, allowing you to experience the emotions associated with having already achieved what you desired.
  • Take Inspired Action: While affirmations can be incredibly effective for manifesting, they’re not a magical cure-all. You still need to take inspired action that aligns with your affirmations to see results. Listen to your intuition and take steps aligned with what you’ve stated in your affirmations.

369 manifestation affirmations

  1. I effortlessly attract abundance and prosperity into my life.
  2. I am a magnet for positive opportunities and experiences.
  3. I believe the universe is conspiring in my favor.
  4. My mind is an effective tool for manifesting what I desire.
  5. I release all doubts and fears and trust the universe’s plan for me.
  6. My thoughts and emotions align with my desires, bringing them to fruition.
  7. I am thankful for all the blessings that come my way.
  8. I visualize my dreams coming true as if they are real – this gives me peace of mind in my everyday life.
  9. I believe in myself and believe in my abilities, so the universe rewards my positive energy and actions.
  10. I deserve all of the success and contentment that I strive for.

Job manifestation affirmations

  1. I am confident and qualified for the job of my dreams.
  2. The ideal career opportunity is on its way to me right now.
  3. My confidence that I will succeed are fuelled by positive coworkers’ encouragement and an inspiring boss’ leadership style.
  4. Everyday brings new opportunities to explore – what a blessing!
  5. My resume and cover letter are impressive, making me stand out to employers.
  6. I trust the universe for guiding me to the job that suits me best.
  7. I am open to new job possibilities that align with my interests and values.
  8. I’m eager to begin this new role and make meaningful contributions.
  9. I am thrilled by the job opportunity that is coming my way.
  10. I look forward to beginning this new chapter in my career.

Relationship manifestation affirmations

  1. I am worthy of a healthy and loving relationship.
  2. The perfect partner is on their way to me right now.
  3. I attract positive people into my life who offer love in an honest way.
  4. I know how to give and receive affection with grace.
  5. My heart is open and ready to receive the love that I desire.
  6. I trust the universe will guide me to the right person for me.
  7. I am thankful for all the lessons learned in past relationships, yet eager to embark on a new chapter.
  8. I am confident in myself and know that I offer a lot to any relationship.
  9. I am open to communicating honestly with my future partner.
  10. I am looking forward to sharing my life with someone who loves and supports me unconditionally.

Affirmations to manifest money

  1. Money flows effortlessly and abundantly to me.
  2. I am worthy of wealth and financial abundance.
  3. I attract positive opportunities for wealth and success into my life.
  4. I release any limiting beliefs about money and embracing abundance.
  5. My bank account is ever growing and expanding.
  6. I am grateful for the money that comes into my life, using it to create more abundance.
  7. I trust that the universe will provide for me financially at some point.
  8. Additionally, I remain open to receiving unexpected financial blessings.
  9. My income is continually increasing and I am financially secure.
  10. I am an attractor for prosperity and wealth.

55×5 manifesting affirmations

  1. I am attracted to the perfect opportunities that will enable me to fulfill my dreams.
  2. I manifest abundance and success in all areas of my life.
  3. Every day, I move closer towards achieving my desired outcome.
  4. I trust in the universe for providing me with exactly what I need in order to reach my objectives.
  5. I am worthy and deserving of all success that comes my way.
  6. Surrounded by supportive people who encourage my growth and success.
  7. My mindset is aligned with my objectives; inspired action is being taken toward them.
  8. I am deeply appreciative of the abundance and success that already surrounds me in my life.
  9. I remain open to receiving unexpected blessings and opportunities that can help me reach my objectives.
  10. With confidence, I believe in my capacity to turn my dreams into realities.

Daily manifestation affirmations

  1. Today, I am open to receiving all the blessings the universe has in store for me.
  2. I am thankful for all of the abundance and happiness in my life.
  3. Every day brings me closer to achieving my goals and dreams.
  4. I trust that everything will work out for my highest good.
  5. I am deserving and worthy of all success and joy that comes my way.
  6. I possess the capacity to turn my desires into realities.
  7. I am surrounded by supportive people who encourage me in my growth and success.
  8. I am confident in creating the life of my dreams.
  9. Today, I choose to let go of any limiting beliefs and focus on cultivating positivity, gratitude, and abundance.

Powerful manifestation affirmations for success

  1. I am deserving and worthy of all success that comes my way.
  2. I believe in my ability to reach my goals and dreams.
  3. Every day, I take steps towards the success I desire.
  4. I am immensely thankful for all the opportunities that have enabled me to reach this point in my journey thus far.
  5. I trust in the universe to guide me toward success and abundance.
  6. I surround myself with positive and supportive people who encourage my growth and success.
  7. I know I am capable of overcoming any obstacle that comes my way.
  8. I release all limiting beliefs and embrace my unlimited potential for success.
  9. I am confident in my ability to create the life of my dreams.
  10. Success is my birthright, and I am fully capable of achieving it.

Affirmations for manifesting a specific person

  1. I’m ready to attract the right person into my life.
  2. I deserve happiness and love in my relationship.
  3. I trust that the universe will provide me with the perfect match at just the right time.
  4. I am thankful for all of the love and joy already present in my life.
  5. I release all attachments and allow the right person to enter my life effortlessly.
  6. I am worthy of a loving and fulfilling relationship.
  7. I am attracted to those who share my values and desires;
  8. I am ready for unconditional love and commitment in my life.
  9. I choose to focus on creating positive and loving energy in all of my relationships.
  10. I believe that the universe is working in my favor to bring the perfect person into my life.

Affirmations manifesting love

  1. I am worthy of love and capable of giving and receiving it fully.
  2. I radiate love, attracting it effortlessly into my life.
  3. Love flows freely to me from all directions with no fear or reservation.
  4. I am open to receiving love freely without reservation or fear.
  5. I am worthy of a loving and fulfilling relationship.
  6. I trust the universe to bring me the right person at the perfect time.
  7. I choose to focus on positive energy in all my relationships.
  8. My heart is open and eager to receive the love that I deserve.
  9. I am fortunate to be surrounded by people who encourage and uplift me in my search for love.
  10. I believe the universe is working in my favor to bring joy and contentment into my life.

Abundance affirmations manifesting

  1. Abundance is my natural state of being and I am willing to receive it fully.
  2. I believe the universe is working in my favor to bring me abundance in all areas of life.
  3. I deserve abundance and success, so I allow it to flow freely into my life.
  4. I am thankful for all the abundance in my life, and I eagerly look forward to experiencing even more.
  5. My thoughts and actions align with abundance and prosperity, attracting them effortlessly.
  6. With confidence I trust in my ability to create the life of my dreams; wealth follows me wherever I go.
  7. I choose to focus on positive and abundant energy, attracting even more abundance into my life.
  8. I am open to receiving abundance from unexpected sources and welcome new opportunities and experiences.
  9. My wealth and prosperity inspire those around me and help us all thrive together.
  10. I am blessed with abundance and prosperity, and I use my resources to make a positive difference in the world.

Affirmations for manifesting a job

  1. I deserve a fulfilling and rewarding career, and I am open to receiving it now.
  2. I trust that the universe will guide me toward the ideal job that matches my skillset and interests.
  3. I am thankful for all the experiences that have led me here, and I am eager to begin the next chapter in my career.
  4. I am confident in my abilities and skills, knowing that there is much left to offer in this field.
  5. I am attracted to a job that allows me to utilize my unique talents and strengths.
  6. I am open to new opportunities that will bring me closer to my dream job.
  7. As I picture myself in that ideal role, I feel the thrill and fulfillment that it brings.
  8. I believe the universe is working in my favor to bring me the job that aligns with my highest good.
  9. I am taking inspired action towards my career goals, and already the universe has responded by providing me with new opportunities and connections.
  10. I am thankful for the abundance and prosperity that my dream job will bring into my life.

Affirmations for manifesting a house

  1. I am worthy of owning a beautiful and comfortable home that meets all my needs.
  2. I am thankful for all that God has provided me, and trust in the universe to provide me with the ideal house.
  3. I am open to receiving my dream house, knowing it is within my reach.
  4. I trust that the universe is working in my favor to bring me a home that aligns with my highest good.
  5. As I visualize myself in my dream home, I feel the joy and comfort it brings.
  6. I am taking inspired action towards finding my dream home, and the universe is responding with new opportunities and connections.
  7. I am confident in my capacity to make my vision a reality, knowing that the universe will guide me along this journey.
  8. I am grateful for the abundance and prosperity that my dream home will bring into my life.
  9. I am worthy of living in a secure home that provides peace and serenity.
  10. I am open to new possibilities that will bring me closer to owning my ideal house.

Manifesting pregnancy affirmations

  1. I trust my body to carry a healthy pregnancy to full term.
  2. I am deeply grateful for motherhood and the opportunity to bring new life into this world.
  3. My body is perfectly capable of conceiving and carrying a healthy pregnancy to its full term.
  4. I am open and receptive to the miracle of pregnancy and childbirth.
  5. I believe in the timing of the universe, knowing that my perfect moment for conception will come.
  6. My mind, body, and spirit are aligned for a healthy and joyful pregnancy.
  7. I am surrounded by love and positive energy, which supports my fertility and overall well-being.
  8. I release any fears or doubts about my ability to conceive, trusting in my body’s natural capacity for creating life.
  9. I can picture myself holding my healthy and content baby, feeling the love that comes with motherhood.
  10. I am eager to begin this new chapter in my life as a mother, knowing that it will bring with it many blessings and new experiences.

Affirmations for manifesting good grades

  1. I am an intelligent and capable learner, capable of great academic success.
  2. My confidence in my ability to learn quickly and absorb new information has grown over time.
  3. Motivated by this desire to excel academically, I am determined to reach my academic objectives.
  4. I am passionate about learning and am eager to take advantage of the opportunities education presents me.
  5. My study habits are organized and disciplined, helping me manage time efficiently in order to reach my academic objectives.
  6. In class, I remain focused and attentive, soaking in all relevant information so that I can succeed.
  7. I approach life with a positive and growth-oriented mindset, viewing challenges as opportunities to learn and progress.
  8. Surrounded by supportive people who encourage me to reach my academic objectives, I strive to remain optimistic.
  9. I am thankful for my education and the opportunities it has afforded me to better myself and my future.
  10. I believe in myself and my ability to achieve high grades and academic success, no matter what obstacles or difficulties may come my way.

Affirmations for manifesting dream body

  1. I adore and respect my body, and am thankful for its many benefits.
  2. With hard work, dedication, and self-love, I am confident in achieving the body of my dreams.
  3. Having a healthy, strong, beautiful body that makes me feel amazing is within reach – that’s what drives me to strive towards it every day!
  4. I nourish my body with healthy foods and exercise that promote overall wellbeing and fitness goals.
  5. I am patient with myself in the process of transformation and growth.
  6. I showing kindness and compassion towards myself while celebrating any successes along the way.
  7. I envision myself at my ideal weight and fitness level, feeling happy, confident, and strong.
  8. I let go of any negative self-talk or limiting beliefs about my body and adopt a positive mindset that empowers me.
  9. Additionally, I’m surrounded by supportive people who motivate and encourage me on this fitness journey.
  10. I am dedicated to my fitness goals and take consistent steps toward achieving my desired physique every day.

Affirmations for manifesting marriage

  1. I am ready and open to finding the ideal partner who shares my values, goals, and interests.
  2. I trust that the universe will align me with the right person at the perfect time for me.
  3. I deserve a loving partner who cherishes and respects me.
  4. I attract healthy and rewarding relationships that bring out the best in me and my partner.
  5. I let go of any past hurt or negative beliefs about relationships and focus on creating a fulfilling partnership.
  6. I am a magnet for love and joy, drawing the perfect partner to me.
  7. I communicate honestly and openly with my significant other, creating an atmosphere of trust and mutual understanding.
  8. I am deeply appreciative of the love and support my partner brings into my life, and we often express our appreciation.
  9. Together we will continue to grow and develop as individuals while supporting each other’s aspirations and ambitions.
  10. I am looking forward to creating a life with my partner that is filled with love, joy and adventure.

I am manifesting affirmations

  1. I am worthy of all the abundance and blessings that come my way.
  2. I believe in myself, making me capable of achieving my goals and dreams with confidence.
  3. Surrounded by positive energy that helps me achieve what I desire, I trust in my abilities to succeed.
  4. I am grateful for everything I have and strive to attract even more blessings into my life.
  5. My intentions are aligned with the universe, believing everything works out for my highest good.
  6. I believe in love and happiness, thus drawing positive people into my circle of influence.
  7. I am healthy and strong, knowing my body and mind are capable of great things.
  8. I am living life to the fullest, surrounded by opportunities for growth and joy every day.
  9. By being grateful, success, and abundance come my way; thank you for providing me with these blessings!
  10. I am confident and powerful, knowing that I am creating a life of meaning and joy for myself.

Manifesting ex back affirmations

  1. I trust in the universe’s will for me, and I know my ex and I will reunite in love and bliss.
  2. It is only fair that I deserve such a happy, healthy relationship; therefore, I am attracting exactly the kind of love that fills me with joy.
  3. I am releasing any negative energy and limiting beliefs that no longer serve me, and opening myself up to love and positivity.
  4. I am thankful for the love and joy my ex and I shared, knowing that our bond will only continue to deepen over time.
  5. I am choosing to focus on the positive aspects of my relationship with my ex, and this has brought about an energy shift within our dynamic.
  6. Forgive myself and him for any past mistakes we made, and now that love and acceptance have returned into our dynamic, I am ready to move forward in full acceptance and love.
  7. I am visualizing a joyful and loving future with my ex, and I believe the universe will make it come true.
  8. I release any fear or doubt that may be hindering me from creating an intimate relationship with her.
  9. I am drawing positive and supportive people into my life who will help me reach my goal of reuniting with my ex.
  10. With confidence, I know that our lives will take us in the direction we desire – back together in love and happiness.

Manifesting new job affirmations

  1. I am manifesting the ideal job for me.
  2. My confidence in my abilities and job search have grown immensely.
  3. Opportunities to reach my dream job are coming my way.
  4. Everyday, I take steps towards it.
  5. I am manifesting a job that aligns with my interests and values.
  6. The universe is guiding me toward my ideal career path.
  7. I deserve an abundant and satisfying job.
  8. My positive energy attracts the perfect job for me.
  9. I let go of any barriers so that this perfect opportunity can come my way!
  10. I trust that the universe has the ideal job for me.

Manifesting health affirmations

  1. My body is healing and thriving every day.
  2. I am immensely thankful for my healthy, strong body.
  3. By choosing positive thoughts about my wellbeing, I attract good health and vitality into my life.
  4. Everyday, I strive to focus on positive, empowering thoughts about how best to care for myself.
  5. I am taking inspired action toward a healthy lifestyle.
  6. My body knows how to heal itself and I trust its natural capacity for healing.
  7. I deserve living an abundant and vibrant life.
  8. My mind, body, and spirit are in perfect balance and harmony.
  9. I radiate positive energy with good health!
  10. By creating a healthy environment for my mind and body to flourish, I am encouraging them to reach their highest potentials.


Common Mistakes to Avoid when Manifesting Affirmations

One common misstep people make when using manifesting affirmations is placing too much focus on the result rather than the journey. Enjoying the journey and believing that the Universe has your back are essential components to successful manifestation. Furthermore, it’s essential to avoid negative self-talk or limiting beliefs which could sabotage all your efforts.

Overcoming Resistance and Doubt

When beginning to utilize manifesting affirmations, you may experience resistance or doubt. It’s normal and necessary to acknowledge these feelings and work to eliminate any negative thoughts or beliefs holding you back. For instance, if self-doubt is an issue for you, say something like, “I am worthy and capable of achieving my goals.”

Implement Manifesting Affirmations into Your Daily Routine

Make manifesting affirmations part of your daily ritual by creating a morning or evening ritual that includes saying them aloud. Alternatively, write them down and post them somewhere visible like on your bathroom mirror or planner for easy reference.

Do Affirmations help Manifestation?

Though no guarantee can be given, many have reported success using manifesting affirmations to reach their goals and desires.

What’s the difference between affirmations and manifesting?

Affirmations are positive statements designed to help you change your mindset and combat negative self-talk. Conversely, manifesting is the process of turning your desires and goals into reality by focusing on what you want to create, taking inspired action towards achieving these outcomes, and believing in yourself and what you’re capable of achieving.


Manifesting affirmations can be an effective tool in creating the life you desire. Trusting in yourself, staying positive, and believing in your ability to reach your objectives are essential. Remember that manifestation is a journey not a destination; you create reality with your thoughts and beliefs.



Can Anyone Benefit From Manifesting Affirmations?

Yes, people of any age, gender or background can utilize manifesting affirmations for personal growth and change.

How often Should I Repeat My Affirmations?

Repeating your affirmations at least once a day, preferably in the morning or before going to bed, is recommended.

Can Affirmations Work If I Don’t Believe in Them?

Affirmations are most powerful when you believe in them. If you’re uncertain, start with small, achievable goals and gradually increase the level of commitment over time.

What affirmations can help me manifest my desires?

  • I believe the universe is guiding me toward my ideal career.
  • I deserve a rewarding and abundant job.



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