100 Affirmations – List Of 100 Positive Affirmations + Printable Affirmations PDF for free

The following 100 positive affirmations + 10 bonus affirmations were powerfully created for you to welcome positivity into your life. The list of 100 affirmations is separated into categories, with 10 affirmations per category. You also find a positive affirmations pdf to download for free that includes the list of 100 affirmations on this page. 

This article was written for those of you who want to manifest positivity into your life and inspire you to become a better version of yourself through the art of positive affirmations. You will learn that through the power of practising 100 positive affirmations data-preserver-spaces=”true”>, you can welcome extremely positive changes into your life. 

100 Positive Affirmations List – The Only 100 Affirmations You Need

It’s all about quality over quantity. On this page, you find 100 affirmations that were crafted with you in mind. The 100 positive affirmations were written using powerful words and phrasing to resonate deeply with your subconscious thoughts. 

You find 10 different categories with 10 affirmations in each category for success, confidence, husband, shifting, students, self-love, health, daily, I am, positive and 10 bonus affirmations. In total 100 positive affirmations + 10 bonus affirmations. 

Choose and use the affirmations meaningful to your life and watch as your life becomes more wonderful every day. 

Affirmations for success

Listed below are powerful affirmations carefully written to foster a mindset of determining growth and success. These affirmations are all about changing your focus from fear of the future to the power within you to create your own successful and meaningful life. 

  1. Everything I touch is a success.
  2. I am determined to succeed; nothing can stop me.
  3. I was born to chase my wildest dreams successfully.
  4. I am presented with opportunities for success regularly.
  5. I recognize within myself an ability to achieve tremendous success.
  6. I look forward to acquiring more success, more achievements, more prosperity, and more freedom.
  7. I measure my accomplishments by the amount of delight I feel, not by money or treasures or who loves me.
  8. I feel successful when I am doing what I desire, when I choose to do it, where I enjoy doing it, with people I appreciate, as often as I want to.
  9. On my path toward success, I take massive and determined action.
  10. I make the right decisions quickly and effortlessly.
  11. I am living a successfully meaningful life because I have become an admirable individual. It is about who I am and what I contribute that gives meaning to my life.

Affirmations for confidence

The affirmations below are designed to inspire confidence within you. The affirmations are modeled on the idea that true confidence is not arrogance (being better than others). Still, true confidence is the ability to learn, grow, and approach life through intentional action.

  1. I can access the emotion of confidence instantly.
  2. As I discover my inner purpose, I gain confidence.
  3. I am brilliant and confident enough to achieve my goals.
  4. I focus on my strengths and confidently approach everything I do.
  5. I build confidence by focusing on what I am passionate about.
  6. Everyone can see how confident I am; I acknowledge my values, accept my feelings, think positively, and communicate with dignity.
  7. My confidence is anchored in action; I am willing to try and learn and grow. My confidence isn’t measured by comparison to anyone else.
  8. I confidently move past my doubts and fears. I begin to build a powerful belief in myself.
  9. Confidence is a skill, and I confidently know that I can rely on myself to create bliss and live my dream life.
  10. I face every challenge with confidence; I never run from challenges with fear. I have faith as I attempt to learn and grow.

Affirmations for your husband

There is something called a “spouse fulfilling prophecy”; your spouse will show up the way you believe they will. When you speak negative affirmations to your spouse, they will show up negatively; they will show up positively when you say positive affirmations to your spouse

  1. I am lucky to have you as my husband; you do so much for me.
  2. Thank you for being there for me and always supporting me.
  3. I am so grateful for my husband; he cherishes and adores me.
  4. There is so much evidence that my husband loves me. (I recommend you write down in your journal all the proof that your husband loves you and everything you’re grateful for about him).
  5. Thank you for providing for me and working hard to feed our family.
  6. My husband deserves my respect, I love respecting my husband, and I value his thinking and ideas.
  7. I sincerely trust my husband. I know he wants me to be happy and has good intentions for our family.
  8. You are such a brilliant and fabulous man; I feel honored to be your wife and stand by your side.
  9. My relationship with my husband is harmonious, I feel safe in my femininity, and I surrender to his masculinity.
  10. Thank you for being faithful to me and coming home to me every night; thank you for our beautiful, safe home. Thank you for protecting me and providing for me.  

Affirmations for shifting


These affirmations are for shifting from lower consciousness to higher consciousness. End your suffering and experience effortless ease with these affirmations. 

  1. I will no longer be addicted to suffering; I will create my power.
  2. I am doing the inner work it takes to shift into higher consciousness.
  3. I navigate my consciousness from my current reality to my desired reality.
  4. I say goodbye to my ego and welcome my higher purpose.
  5. My self-awareness is transcending struggle and ego-driven ambition.
  6. I have released the past, I am willing to enter new high vibration realities.
  7. I am in the process of eliminating my feelings of separateness; I am beginning to feel spiritually connected to the whole universe.
  8. A profound awakening is overcoming my mind and spirit; I will experience many shifts of belief during this coming time.
  9. I have learned many important lessons in life. I admire the person I have become today. I am this amazing person because I chose to shift from ego to spirit.
  10. As I shift the way I look at things, the things I look at shift. I have a choice in how I view reality. 

Affirmations for students

The following affirmations are for students who want to feel important, focused, and supported. These affirmations will help students ease their stresses and confusion and approach life and school with more intention and ease.   

  1. I hold the deliberate intention of learning as I study.
  2. I take breaks from studying to ease my mind and refocus myself.
  3. I face academic challenges with grace and dignity.
  4. I walk through the school halls with confidence; I am aware of my identity.
  5. I achieve access to fantastic academic opportunities, my future is bright.
  6. (If you are a student, this is a good affirmation to say to your teacher) “Thank you for being a fantastic teacher, I learn a lot in your class, and you always make the lessons so enjoyable”.
  7. (If you are a student, this is a good affirmation to say to your parents) “Thank you for being so supportive of my academic career; I am so grateful to have such encouraging parents”.
  8. I care about school, I am passionate about focusing on my academics to create a stable and exciting future.
  9. I allow myself to be creative at school; I can see how what I am learning applies to my unique passions and talents.
  10. It is safe for me to share where I struggle in school; I am comfortable accepting help. It’s all about me, It’s all about my future.  

Affirmations for self-love

Self-love is the most essential love; these affirmations will help you to love yourself more. Anytime you feel the need to criticize yourself, these affirmations are excellent to recite.

  1. I am the centre of my universe and the only experience of my life.
  2. My emotional and physical well-being is critical to me.
  3. Nothing is more important than how I feel about me.
  4. Love comes from within my heart; I create the love I need.
  5. There is nothing I’d criticize about myself; I was made perfectly.
  6. I have fun and experience life fully because I adore myself and know that I deserve a wonderful life.
  7. I love myself regardless of the mistakes I’ve made and the mistakes others have made for me.
  8. Because I admire myself, I can accept admiration from others. Others can sense the loving attitude I have for myself and for them.
  9. I appreciate how far I’ve come in life, I have lived and loved to the best of my ability, and I grow every day.
  10. I look for reasons to love myself every moment. I also look for reasons to love others.

Affirmations for health

The following affirmations are written to help you become your healthiest self. Your ability to be healthy starts with the thoughts you think in your mind.

  1. My immunity is robust because I eat healthily and eliminate stress.
  2. I cooperate with the messages from my body to create total wellness.
  3. My immune system is so incredible, I continue thriving even around sick people.
  4. I expect to live my entire life with a healthy body and mind.
  5. The environment of my body is thriving; all my cells work harmoniously.
  6. I eat a rainbow diet of fruits and vegetables. I fill my body with different colors of nutritious foods.
  7. I keep my body hydrated with pure water, I have eliminated sugary beverages and junk food from my diet.
  8. I get hours of rejuvenating sleep every night. I keep my mind and body relaxed through habitual rest and meditation.
  9. I am beginning to eat nutritionally, drink pure water, think healing thoughts, get a whole night’s sleep, and exercise regularly.
  10. I recognize the extraordinary power of my body to heal itself. I praise every part of my body often because I am grateful to be alive. 

Positive affirmations 

The following affirmations are to awaken an embodiment of positivity within you. You will begin feeling more optimistic after reading these affirmations.

  1. I live a life filled with immense purpose.
  2. I move into action and produce meaningful results.
  3. I am deserving of a life of paradise.
  4. I appreciate the past, present, and future of my life.
  5. I speak and think positively every moment of my life.
  6. Only good experiences show up in my life; I am open to seeing the good in everything.
  7. Everything is alright. Everything happens for my most significant benefit. Divine purpose comes out of all situations.
  8. I relax because I know that life is meant to be enjoyed; life is fun.
  9. I am willing to make positive changes in my life; I greet my new positive life with wide-open arms.
  10.  I am choosing to create an extraordinary life by thinking positively and practicing gratitude.

Daily affirmations 

Say these affirmations every day and as often as you can. I say my daily affirmations morning and night. 

  1. Nobody and nothing has any power over how I feel.
  2. Nobody and nothing defines my worth or value.
  3. I am safe and loving, and welcoming to the love of others.
  4. I am attached to nothing and open to everything.
  5. I choose to believe that the world is a safe and luxurious place.
  6. I let go of my fears; nothing will stop me from living a life of divine free will.
  7. I travel through my life with dignity, purpose, and grace. I stay true to my highest self.
  8. My inner wisdom guides me through every waking moment; I easily decipher what is right or wrong for me.
  9. I am gentle with the hearts of others because I understand that everyone is doing the best they can with the knowledge they have.
  10. Every day and in every way, my mind expands to encompass more knowledge about living a beautiful life. 

I Am affirmations

“I am” affirmations are deeply powerful. Saying the words “I am” before a statement allows the words to be ingrained in your logical mind, allowing you to embody the statements fully. 

  1. I am always listening to my heart and higher instincts.
  2. I am at peace with my past; I’ve let go.
  3. I am investing in myself and putting myself first.
  4. I am constantly absorbing knowledge that helps me to grow.
  5. I am highly skilled in the art of listening and learning.
  6. I am sincerely forgiving of myself, and I am easily forgiving of others as well.
  7. I am manifesting my dream life; I am directing my thoughts toward creating my desired reality.
  8. I am mastering the art of manifesting. I am worthy of manifesting the life I desire.
  9. I am open to receiving new information, I am available for learning how to overcome the challenges in my life.
  10. I am trusting myself; I trust myself to make choices beneficial to my health, happiness, and prosperity.  

10 positive bonus affirmations

Congratulations on reading 100 positive affirmations! Do you feel the positivity radiating around you yet? Here is a gift to you, 10 bonus affirmations!

  1. I am easily able to stay positive around negativity.
  2. I am an uplifting individual; I demonstrate positivity to others.
  3. I am a gift to the world; I share my knowledge with all who seek it.
  4. I am reading about the law of attraction.
  5. I practice positive affirmations every day, multiple times a day.
  6. The history of my life does not define me now; I am creating my present moment and future.
  7. There is a balance of bad and good in the world; I focus on the good and understand the bad.
  8. Through the great law of attraction, my life is improving every day in many ways.
  9. If I would like my world to change, I must make positive changes inside my mind.
  10. There is no one to blame; I am the creator of my own life experience. 

100 Positive Affirmations PDF To Download For Free

Suppose you want to improve your affirmation practice for even more outstanding results. In that case, you can also download a positive affirmations PDF file to keep for yourself. 

The printable affirmations pdf includes all 100 affirmations on this page. Print it out and stick it up on your fridge at home or bring it with you to use when you need to remind your mind to use affirmations to improve your mindset into a positive one. 

Download positive affirmations pdf with 100 affirmations. 

Enjoy, and remember it’s all about you! 


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