160 Sexual Affirmations for a Mind-Blowing Sex Life

Want to improve your mindset and have better sex? Sexual affirmations can help! These powerful statements can change how you think about yourself and your sexuality. By repeating them regularly, you’ll feel more confident, love your body, and embrace your desires without shame. But that’s not all!

Sexual affirmations also help with personal growth and healing. They can release past traumas and create a stronger connection with yourself and your partner(s). Start using these 160 sexual affirmations and discover your true desires. 

List of sexual affirmations

  • I am a sensual and passionate lover.
  • I embrace and enjoy my sexuality without shame or guilt.
  • I deserve pleasure and fulfillment in all aspects of my sexual experiences.
  • I am confident in my body and can pleasure myself and my partner.
  • I communicate openly and honestly about my desires and boundaries.
  • I am worthy of receiving pleasure and being fully satisfied.
  • I trust myself to make choices that prioritize my sexual well-being and pleasure.
  • I am open to exploring new experiences and expanding my sexual horizons.
  • I am in tune with my body’s desires and needs, and I honor them.
  • I am a sexually empowered individual, embracing my desires and expressing them confidently.

Positive sexual affirmations

  1. I am deserving of pleasure and satisfaction in my sexual experiences.
  2. I embrace my unique desires and fantasies without shame or judgment.
  3. I am confident in expressing my needs and boundaries in the bedroom.
  4. I trust my instincts and intuition when it comes to my sexual experiences.
  5. I am worthy of love and connection through intimate and sexual relationships.
  6. I am free to explore and discover new aspects of my sexuality.
  7. I celebrate and appreciate my body, recognizing its beauty and power.
  8. I am open to learning and growing in my sexual journey.
  9. I prioritize consent and communication in all of my sexual interactions.
  10. I release any guilt or shame surrounding my sexual desires and experiences.
  11. I am capable of experiencing deep pleasure and orgasm.
  12. I honor and respect my partner’s boundaries and desires.
  13. I am comfortable and confident in my own skin during sexual encounters.
  14. I embrace vulnerability and intimacy in my sexual relationships.
  15. I am deserving of pleasure and satisfaction in every sexual encounter.
  16. I am in control of my own sexual experiences and choices.
  17. I celebrate and embrace my sexuality as an important part of my identity.
  18. I am worthy of pleasure and fulfillment in all aspects of my life, including my sexuality.
  19. I deserve love and acceptance regardless of my sexual preferences or experiences.
  20. I am a sexual being, embracing and celebrating my sexuality with joy and confidence.

sexual affirmations

Sexual affirmations to tell your partner

  1. “You are incredibly sexy and desirable.”
  2. “I love the way you touch me and make me feel desired.”
  3. “You have an amazing ability to satisfy and please me.”
  4. “I appreciate your willingness to explore new sexual experiences with me.”
  5. “You are an incredible lover, and I feel so lucky to be with you.”
  6. “I adore your body and find every part of it irresistible.”
  7. “You have an incredible sexual energy that turns me on.”
  8. “I love how attentive and responsive you are to my needs in bed.”
  9. “You bring so much passion and intensity to our sexual encounters.”
  10. “I feel completely safe and comfortable exploring my deepest desires with you.”
  11. “You have an incredible talent for making me orgasm.”
  12. “I love how you take your time and savor every moment of our sexual experiences.”
  13. “You have an amazing ability to make me feel sexy and confident.”
  14. “I love the way you look at me during sex, it makes me feel desired and appreciated.”
  15. “You have an incredible touch that always leaves me wanting more.”
  16. “I love the way you kiss me, it sends shivers down my spine.”
  17. “You have an incredible stamina that always leaves me satisfied.”
  18. “I love how you make me feel beautiful and sexy, even on my most insecure days.”
  19. “You have an incredible understanding of my body and what brings me pleasure.”
  20. “I love how you always prioritize my pleasure and satisfaction in bed.”

Sex affirmations for a specific person

  1. You are a sensual and passionate lover.
  2. Your touch electrifies me and ignites our desire.
  3. Your confidence in bed is incredibly attractive.
  4. Our connection deepens with every intimate moment we share.
  5. Your pleasure is as important as mine, and we prioritize each other’s satisfaction.
  6. Our chemistry is undeniable and fuels our sexual encounters.
  7. You have an incredible ability to please and satisfy me.
  8. Every time we make love, it becomes more intense and fulfilling.
  9. Your openness to explore new experiences keeps our sex life exciting and adventurous.
  10. We communicate openly and honestly about our desires, creating a safe and fulfilling sexual environment.
  11. Your touch is gentle yet powerful, leaving me craving for more.
  12. We are in sync with each other’s needs and desires, creating a harmonious sexual connection.
  13. Our sexual energy flows freely and passionately between us.
  14. You have a natural ability to make me feel desired and cherished in the bedroom.
  15. Your confidence and presence in bed make me feel incredibly sexy and wanted.
  16. We create a sacred space for intimacy where we can fully let go and be ourselves.
  17. Our sexual experiences are filled with love, respect, and tenderness.
  18. Your passion and enthusiasm for pleasure inspire me to explore new heights of ecstasy.
  19. We prioritize pleasure and each other’s pleasure, making every encounter deeply satisfying.
  20. Our sexual connection is a beautiful expression of our love and deepens our bond.

Sexual confidence affirmations

  1. I am worthy of pleasure and satisfaction in my sexual experiences.
  2. I embrace my unique desires and preferences without judgment.
  3. I trust my instincts and listen to my body’s needs and boundaries.
  4. I communicate openly and honestly about my sexual desires and boundaries.
  5. I am confident in expressing my needs and wants during sexual encounters.
  6. I am comfortable in my skin and embrace my body’s beauty and sensuality.
  7. I am deserving of pleasure and enjoyment in every sexual encounter.
  8. I release any shame or guilt associated with my sexual experiences.
  9. I am confident in my ability to please and satisfy my partner.
  10. I am open to exploring new sexual experiences and expanding my sexual horizons.
  11. I prioritize self-care and make time for my sexual well-being.
  12. I deserve love, respect, and pleasure in all aspects of my sexual relationships.
  13. I trust in my own sexual intuition and honor my desires and boundaries.
  14. I embrace my sexuality as a natural and healthy part of my identity.
  15. I am confident in communicating and negotiating consent in all sexual encounters.
  16. I release any negative beliefs or societal expectations that limit my sexual confidence.
  17. I am proud of my sexual identity and embrace my authentic self.
  18. I deserve pleasure and satisfaction in all sexual experiences, solo or with a partner.
  19. I celebrate and honor my sexual desires, knowing they are unique and valid.
  20. I am confident in creating and maintaining fulfilling and satisfying sexual relationships.

Sexual purity affirmations

  1. I am committed to honoring my body and respecting my own boundaries.
  2. I focus on building healthy and meaningful connections rather than engaging in casual encounters.
  3. I am in control of my own sexual desires and impulses.
  4. I value my emotional well-being and prioritize it over fleeting physical pleasure.
  5. I embrace my unique journey toward sexual purity and celebrate every step forward.
  6. I am worthy of love and respect, regardless of my past experiences or choices.
  7. I am capable of making wise decisions when it comes to my sexual health and well-being.
  8. I surround myself with positive influences and support systems encouraging sexual purity.
  9. I am not defined by my sexual history but by the person I am becoming.
  10. I can say no to situations that compromise my values and beliefs.
  11. I deserve a partner who shares my commitment to sexual purity and respects my boundaries.
  12. I am grateful for the opportunity to grow and learn from my positive and negative experiences.
  13. I trust my ability to make choices that align with my values and bring me closer to sexual purity.
  14. I am resilient and capable of overcoming any challenges or temptations that come my way.
  15. I am proud of my progress in my journey towards sexual purity.
  16. I prioritize open and honest communication about my sexual boundaries with my partner.
  17. I am committed to practicing self-care and self-love in all aspects of my life, including my sexuality.
  18. I deserve a fulfilling and satisfying sexual relationship built on love, trust, and mutual respect.
  19. I release any guilt or shame associated with past choices and embrace a future of sexual purity.
  20. I am confident in my ability to make choices that align with my values and lead to a fulfilling and joyful life.

Male sexual affirmations

  1. I am confident in my sexual abilities.
  2. I embrace and celebrate my masculinity.
  3. I deserve pleasure and satisfaction in my sexual experiences.
  4. I am in tune with my partner’s desires and needs.
  5. I am capable of bringing pleasure to my partner.
  6. I am comfortable expressing my sexual desires and fantasies.
  7. I have a healthy and fulfilling sex life.
  8. I am worthy of love and intimacy.
  9. I am proud of my body and its ability to experience pleasure.
  10. I am open to exploring new sexual experiences and techniques.
  11. I am a skilled and attentive lover.
  12. I am deserving of pleasure and enjoyment in the bedroom.
  13. I am confident in my ability to please my partner.
  14. I am respectful and considerate of my partner’s boundaries.
  15. I am comfortable communicating about my sexual needs and desires.
  16. I am deserving of sexual satisfaction and fulfillment.
  17. I am capable of experiencing multiple orgasms and prolonged pleasure.
  18. I am confident in my sexual performance and stamina.
  19. I am worthy of receiving pleasure and satisfaction from my partner.
  20. I am deserving of a healthy and satisfying sexual relationship.

Daily sexual affirmations

  1. I am deserving of pleasure and satisfaction in my sexual experiences.
  2. I embrace and celebrate my unique desires and preferences.
  3. I am confident in expressing my needs and boundaries in a sexual relationship.
  4. I prioritize my sexual well-being and make time for self-care.
  5. I am open-minded and willing to explore new experiences that bring me pleasure.
  6. I trust my instincts and make choices that align with my sexual values.
  7. I am worthy of love and intimacy in my sexual relationships.
  8. I release any shame or guilt about my sexual desires or experiences.
  9. I communicate openly and honestly with my partner(s) about my sexual needs and desires.
  10. I am comfortable and confident in my own body and sexuality.
  11. I am capable of experiencing multiple levels of pleasure and orgasm.
  12. I embrace my sensuality and allow myself to fully enjoy sexual experiences.
  13. I am in tune with my body and recognize and honor its pleasure signals.
  14. I deserve pleasure and satisfaction in all aspects of my sexual life.
  15. I am a powerful and confident sexual being.
  16. I am worthy of experiencing deep emotional and physical connection in my sexual relationships.
  17. I am free to explore and express my sexuality without judgment.
  18. I am deserving of pleasure and satisfaction regardless of my relationship status.
  19. I am open to receiving and giving pleasure in equal measure.
  20. I am grateful for the gift of my sexuality and embrace it fully.

Sexual attraction affirmations

  1. I am confident and comfortable in expressing my sexual desires.
  2. I radiate magnetic energy that attracts others to me.
  3. I embrace and celebrate my unique and authentic sexual expression.
  4. I am deserving of pleasure and fulfilling sexual experiences.
  5. I am attractive and desirable, both physically and emotionally.
  6. I trust my instincts and intuition when it comes to sexual connections.
  7. I am open to exploring new experiences and expanding my sexual horizons.
  8. I deserve love and pleasure in all aspects of my life, including my sexuality.
  9. I am a sensual being, capable of experiencing deep pleasure and connection.
  10. I am confident in creating and maintaining healthy and fulfilling sexual relationships.

How to use sexual affirmations

While there are numerous pre-made sexual affirmations available, crafting personalized ones can have a more profound impact. To create personalized sexual affirmations that resonate with you on a deep level, consider the following techniques:

  1. Identify Your Beliefs: Reflect on any limiting beliefs or negative thought patterns you hold about your sexuality. Challenge these beliefs by replacing them with positive statements that counteract them.
  2. Use Positive Language: Frame your affirmations using positive language rather than focusing on what you want to avoid or change. For example, instead of saying, “I am not ashamed of my desires,” rephrase it as “I embrace and celebrate my desires without shame.”
  3. Be Specific: Make sure your affirmations are specific to your needs and desires. This specificity helps create a stronger emotional connection to the affirmations, enhancing their effectiveness.


Now that you understand how sexual affirmations can positively impact your sexual mindset and growth, it’s time to implement this knowledge. Start by including positive sexual affirmations in your daily routine. You can say them out loud or write them down regularly to reinforce positive beliefs about yourself and your sexuality. Remember that change takes time and patience, so be kind to yourself as you go through this process.


Can sexual affirmations really make a difference?

Definitely! How we think and believe can really affect how things happen to us. If you use sexual affirmations a lot, it can help you think positively about sex and make you feel better overall.

Can I create my own sexual affirmations?

Yes! Making your own personalized affirmations can be even better because they connect with your own experiences and desires. Make them target any beliefs or areas you want to improve in your sexual journey.

Should I only use sexual affirmations during specific activities?

Using sexual affirmations during intimate moments can have a big impact. But don’t just use them then. Use them in other parts of your life, too, like when you take care of yourself or when you need to feel more confident.

Can sexual affirmations improve my relationship with my partner?

Yes! If you have positive beliefs about sex and a healthy mindset, you can connect better with your partner. Saying positive things about sex can help you feel closer and talk more in your relationship.


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