The 7 Laws Of Attraction – What are the 7 laws of attraction?

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What are the 7 Laws of Attraction, and how do they work? This guide will learn everything you need about the 7 Laws of Attraction and how they work. Read more below.

What are the 7 Laws of Attraction?

How often have you heard that you can attract and manifest anything you imagine with the Law of Attraction? I have heard that a million times, and it has frustrated me so much. Do you know why? Because I didn’t know the true essence of the Law of Attraction and the 7 laws of the universe

I didn’t know that there was just 1 Law saying that I can attract everything I imagine. Instead, there are seven laws of attraction. When I learned more about the essence of these seven laws of interest, I became successful in attracting and manifesting the things and situations I wanted to experience. 

7 Laws of Attraction

You see, we are all creators of our own lives. The ones who are not familiar with the seven laws of attraction are the unconscious creators. The ones who are using this knowledge are the ones who are consciously creating their lives.

If you want to start living the life of your dreams, I suggest you take some time and read the following lines because we will clear up all of the doubts you may have about the Law of Attraction. Or, it is better to say about the 7 Laws of Attraction:

  • The Law of Manifestation
  • The Law of Magnetism
  • The Law of Pure Desire (or unwavering desire)
  • The Law of Paradoxical Intent (or delicate balance)
  • The Law of Harmony (or Synchronization)
  • The Law of Right Action (or Conscientious Action)
  • The Law of Expanding Influence (or Universal Influence)

1. The Law of Manifestation

Below we will explain the Law of Manifestation, the first of 7 laws of attraction.

What is the Law of Manifestation?

The Law of Manifestation is the first of the 7 Laws of Attraction. The essence of the Law of Manifestation is that with your focus, deep beliefs, deep mind programs, and thoughts, you are attracting and manifesting different things in your life. The Law of Manifestation says that everything that once was in your mind will eventually appear in your real life. And that is why you must be conscious when it comes to choosing your thoughts.

How does the Law of Manifestation work?

It is essential to know that the Law of Manifestation works in both ways: positive and negative. And it depends on you and the thoughts you choose. When you decide to focus on negative things, you attract and manifest things. But, you are attracting and manifesting things that you don’t want to experience.

But if you “force” yourself to focus on the good and positive things, the Law of Manifestation will ensure that more things on the same vibration start appearing in your life.

How to use the Law of Manifestation?

The best way to use the Law of Manifestation is to consciously choose positive thoughts and focus on things you want to experience in your real life in the future. Then, while you think about those lovely things you want to experience and focus on those things, you feel good and raise your vibration instantly. When you are on a high vibration, it is just a matter of time before the desired thing will appear in your life.

Can the Law of Manifestation change your sexuality?

With the Law of Manifestation, you can achieve anything you want. Anything. But, you must know that if you’re going to achieve something, a few things must be in tune: your deep beliefs and programs, your thoughts and focus, your emotions, and your vibration. If you get all these things in tune, you can be sure that you can change anything in your life that makes you dissatisfied. The best way to get these things in tune is to use the Law of attraction manifestation techniques.

The Law of Attraction manifestation techniques

To attract and manifest different things in your life, you can use Daily Affirmations, Visualization, Meditation, and Gratitude. You name it, and it is just a matter of your preferences. So try all these techniques and keep using the ones that give the fastest results. 

Non-duality and the Law of Manifestation

Respecting the non-dual truth and fulfilling your hopes, dreams and desires are two separate things. The Law of Manifestation says that you should be feeling guilty or selfish for allowing yourself to live the life you want. After all, you deserve to live the life of your dreams, just like everybody else.

Supplement to increase the Law of Manifestation

If you are wondering how to increase the Law of Manifestation, here are some tips: 

  • Focus on positive things
  • Count your blessings (be grateful)
  • Use the power of Visualization (Imagination)
  • Write down all your wishes, dreams, and desires

The Law of Manifestation examples

The best way to become aware of the power of the Law of Manifestation is to test it by yourself. So this is also a suggestion for all people who doubt this law: try it! I’ll tell you how I tested it. At the beginning of my Law of Attraction journey, I heard that I could manifest anything that I could imagine.

I decided to try to manifest a box of matches. I am not a smoker; nobody from my environment smokes.

But, I’ve visualized holding matches in my hands, and I’ve envisioned that a few times. Then I forgot about that. A few days later, I went to an Indian shop with my friend, and there it was: a shelf full of different fragrant sticks and matches that go together in a pack. After manifesting matches, I knew that I could manifest anything I wanted with the seven laws of the universe attraction.

2. The Law of Magnetism

Below you will learn more about the 2nd of the 7 laws of attraction: The Law of Magnetism.

What is the Law of Magnetism?

The Law of Magnetism is the 2nd law of the 7 Laws of Attraction which says that we attract different situations, things, and people in the same way and with the same strength as a magnet. The Law of Magnetism says that we can be perceived as magnets that attract and manifest different things in our lives. 

How does the Law of Magnetism work?

The Law of Magnetism functions like this: when we are in a bad mood, feeling angry, frightened, sad, or whenever we are dealing with some negative emotion (the emotion that makes us feel bad), we attract and manifest bad situations (situations that we don’t want to experience). When you are in a good mood and experience positive emotions, you attract and manifest good situations (situations we want to experience).

How to use the Law of Magnetism?

You could exercise. Yes, you’ve read it correctly. In the same way, as you train your body, you need to spend time training your mind. You need to train your mind to become aware of positive things and notice everything that makes you feel good. When you see those things, you need to observe them and focus on them.

How to do the Law of Magnetism?

When you focus on the things you already have that make you feel good or focus on things you would like to have in your future, you feel good, pleasant, and positive emotions. Your vibration moves up on the emotional guidance scale when you feel good. After you spend some time focusing on positive things, your vibration climbs up. Like a magnet, your vibration attracts more positive things to your life.

Seven Laws of Attraction

The Law of Magnetism techniques

One of the Law of Magnetism techniques that you could use is the “Oh, that would be so nice” technique. We already mentioned that when you focus on good things, you feel good, and when you feel good, you are vibrating high. When you are vibrating high, you become a magnet for attracting beautiful things.

With the “Oh, that would be so nice” technique, you can imagine how nice something would be. For example, you can say how nice it would be to have a lot of money to buy something you want. Instantly, you imagine the sensation of having that sum of money. You feel good, vibrating high, and become a magnet. Soon enough, your magnetism will teach you the secret to manifesting money .

The Law of Magnetism examples

You have probably been in a situation where you were sitting at home and relaxing. And all of a sudden, you’ve thought of some specific person that you haven’t seen in ages. You thought about that person for a minute, and then you started to think about something else. Then, you went for a walk and met the person you were thinking about. Did it feel strange? That is because that was the Law of Magnetism, showing you how fast and powerful the law is. Please take advantage of it!

Are the Law of Attraction and the Law of Magnetism contradictory?

The law of attraction works at all times . No matter if you believe in it or not. The same goes with the Law of Magnetism. Both Laws work, no matter if you believe in them or not. That’s why our advice is to test them and after you see that they indeed work, use them in your advance to create the life you always wanted. 

3. The Law of Pure Desire (or unwavering desire)

Below you will find information about The Law of Pure Desire, the 3rd law of the 7 Laws of Attraction.

What is the Law of Pure Desire?

The Law of Pure Desire says that if you wish for something, you will succeed in attracting and manifesting that specific thing from the bottom of your heart with a good and pure intention. So, when you want something for a “good cause,” you can be sure that the Law of Pure Desire will make that happen for you.

How does the Law of Pure Desire work?

The Law of Pure Desire, or the Law of unwavering desire, is the law that works on your pure inner intention. Or, if you prefer, this specific law works on your inspirational action. When you feel that when you “just know” that you must do a particular activity, you should know that the Law of Pure Desire is working. When you have pure and positive intentions, you can expect good things to appear in your real life, and those good things are the results of the Law of Pure Desire.

How to use the Law of Pure Desire?

If you want to take the best from this Law, you need to act in the following way: you should be free to dream huge dreams, big hopes, and desires. You can imagine attracting and manifesting anything you want, and there are no boundaries. But, if you’re going to “materialize” those dreams, the Law of Pure Desire says that you must pay attention to your beliefs, thoughts, words, and actions. They all need to be pure, clean, and positive.

How to do the Law of Pure Desire?

Pure heart, pleasant thoughts, and positive actions are the things that will help you to manifest the items you want. The key is to focus on your dreams and to think positively about them. Avoid doubts and behave as if the desired things have already been achieved. You will be amazed by the speed of the fulfillment of your wishes.

Law of Attraction 7 Laws

The Law of Pure Desire techniques

Like all other laws in nature, the Law of Pure Desire works no matter whether you believe in it. The wonderful thing regarding this specific law is that you can speed it up. You can do that by using the technique “What do I want and why do I want it?”. This is a pretty simple technique for attracting and manifesting various things. You only need to answer these two questions:

1. what do you want to attract and manifest
2. why do you want to do that.

While answering, you will say your wish clearly so the Universe will get the idea of what you want. More importantly- you will tell your intention out loud (why you want to attract and manifest something). Saying your intention out loud will raise your vibration instantly, and the Law of Pure Desire will react to your high vibration.

The Law of Pure Desire examples

One of the best examples of this Law is the Law of Pure Desire. You can experience any beggar on the street looking for money and the person who gives him money. If a person passes next to a beggar thinking things such as “I don’t have money for my own needs, of course, I’m not going to give you money.” That person is vibrating low.

There is no chance that the Law of Pure Desire will reward her with something nice.

But if a person is passing by a beggar and gives him at least 1 dollar and thinks: “ I have two dollars, I will give him a half, he must be hungry.”, then this person will start to vibrate high. The high vibration comes from the gratitude for not being hungry and being aware that there are people who are in a worse situation. The person gave 1 dollar with a pure heart, and the Law of Pure Desire will reward them with many positive things.

4. The Law of Paradoxical Intent (or delicate balance)

Below you will find information about The Law of Paradoxical Intent, the fourth law of the 7 laws of attraction.

What is the Law of Paradoxical Intent?

The Law of Paradoxical Intent, or the Law of Delicate Balance, states. If you want to achieve something “too much,” you will not reach it.

How does the Law of Paradoxical Intent work?

This Law works according to your desire to have something. If you want to, let’s say, go to Paris. You want it “too hard”(you are constantly talking about Paris, about Eiffel Tower, speaking french, watching documentaries about Paris, etc.). At the same time, you have this enormously strong desire. You are vibrating like you don’t have the thing you want.

When you crave something, your vibration is the lack of that thing you desire for. In that situation- the Law of Paradoxical Intent sends you more and more things that will make you feel the same way.

How to use the Law of Paradoxical Intent?

Now you understand how the Law of Paradoxical intent works, but that is not something you should worry about. Do you know why? Because you can “trick” this Law and turn the situation to your advance. How? By avoiding feeling desperate about something and tricking the Universe, you live an abundance and not a lack of your desired thing. The best way to create the emotion of abundance is by using a specific technique: Visualization.

The Law of Paradoxical Intent techniques

The fastest technique for “fooling” this Law is visualization. The only thing you need to do is to close your eyes and imagine how you would feel if you’ve had the thing you wanted. Suppose you are in desperate need of money. In that case, this Law recognizes your wish, which is too strong, and sends you more and more experiences that will confirm your dominant vibration.

If you close your eyes and imagine having more money than you need, and if you feel the emotion of having money (during the visualization), your vibration will grow. You will experience an abundance of money in your life.

The Law of Paradoxical Intent examples

We often talk about attracting and manifesting money with the Law of Attraction. But, with the Law of Attraction (and with the 7 Laws of Attraction), you can attract and manifest people, too. Or, you can manifest their absence from your everyday life. An excellent example of the Law of Paradoxical Intent could be your break-up with your love partner. 

After the break-up, you are still in love, you are crying your eyes out, you feel like a part of you died, all you want is to turn back time, you want to get back together with your partner. 

But, time passes, and that does not happen. Do you know why? Because the Law of Paradoxical Intent recognizes that you are desperate, that your desire is too strong. And when you are desperate, you are vibrating with a lack. If you want to get back together with your partner, you need to change your dominant vibration. When you start to vibrate with the abundance – the Law of Paradoxical Intent will send you your love partner.

Law of Attraction Laws

5. The Law of Harmony (or Synchronization)

Below you will find information about The Law of Harmony, part of the 7 Laws of Attraction.

What is the Law of Harmony?

The Law of Harmony or the Law of Synchronization is one of the 7 Laws of Attraction. This Law says that everything in this Universe is closely connected. That means that we, human beings, are also connected with the Universe, with the Source. We are all connected and we are all “One.”

How does the Law of Harmony work?

The Law of Harmony, or, if you want, the Law of Synchronization, says that everything that exists and everything that happens in this world is perfectly coordinated. Everything happens in the best possible time, although it may not seem like that. The Law of Harmony, unlike some of us, has the power to see “the big picture.”

How to use the Law of Harmony?

Suppose you want to be successful in the process of attracting and manifesting desired things into your life. In that case, you should make sure that you are aligned with yourself and with the Universe. It would help if you achieved balance and harmony. And the best way for getting your mind into a state of complete harmony is by using the Law of Attraction tool: Meditation.

The Law of Harmony techniques

The technique that you can use is a well-known Law of Attraction technique: Meditation. You have two options: you can use a Guided Meditation, or you can meditate alone by yourself, without an “audio guide.” No matter your choice, you will “profit” because meditating for a minimum of ten minutes every day will put your mind into a state of complete balance and harmony.

The Law of Harmony examples

A fantastic example describing this Law is the following. Imagine yourself heading to an important job interview. The interview takes place in a location not too close so you must go there by car. You enter your car, and suddenly, you are shocked- you don’t have enough gasoline. And you know- there is no chance to get there on time. You have two options to react: you can get mad and worry about the situation or calm down. 

The Law of Harmony says that you should calm down because, according to this Law, it is better not to go to that job interview. Maybe a better job is waiting for you. Maybe you will meet the love of your life on your way to the gas station. No matter what it is, you can relax because the Law of Harmony sees the “big picture,” and it is always working for your greater good.

6. The Law of Right Action (or Conscientious Action)

Below you will find information about The Law of Right Action, one of the 7 Laws of Attraction.

What is the Law of Right Action?

The Law of Right Action (or the Law of Conscientious Action) is the universal law, part of the 7 Laws of attraction, that says that we give this world the energy to get back. For example, if we behave friendly, spread love and happiness, we will get the same return. But, you should know that if you spread low vibration emotions and if you misbehave to others, and if you spread hate, misery, etc., you will get the same!

How does the Law of Right Action work?

The Law of Right Action works in the way where we will always, without exception, get the things that we promote. If we promote positive energy – we will get positive energy. If we promote negative energy – we will get negative energy.

Law of Attraction Laws

How to use the Law of Right Action?

The recipe is to behave the way you want others to behave to you. Be what you want to become. Act the way you would like others to act to you. If you want to manifest love, be love. If you want to have more things to be grateful for, first be grateful for all of the things that you already have. Focus on good things, sense the positive emotions, and allow your vibration to grow! 

The Law of Right Action techniques

One of the best techniques for the Law of Right Action is a technique called Gratitude. It is pretty simple – all you need to do is name all of the things you are thankful for. Count all your blessings:

  • Having a roof over your head.
  • Having a warm meal.
  • Having a pet that gives you love.
  • Having wonderful friends.
  • Having a decent job.

Name everything you have.

Soon enough, the high vibration that you’ve got from the Gratitude will, together with the Law of Right Action, send you more things that you can put on your Gratitude list.

The Law of Right Action examples

The best example of this Law is your own life! Just observe any situation when you felt “bad” when you had a “bad energy,” and analyze that situation. One bad thing happened, and then the “bad energy” overflowed to your whole day, to other people, etc. As we already explained, the Law of Right Action works in the way where you will always, without exception, get the things that you promote.

7. The Law of Expanding Influence (or Universal Influence)

Below you will find information about The Law of Expanding Influence, included in the 7 Laws of Attraction.

What is the Law of Expanding Influence?

The Law of Expanding Influence is one of the 7 Laws of attraction and it says that all of the people on this planet influence every other human being. This means you have the universal influence. Your acts influence the people around you. Your parents, friends, kids, love partner, co-workers, but the things you do also influence others- some strangers you don’t even know.

How does the Law of Expanding Influence works?

The Law of Expanding Influence works in how your acts and behaviour can have positive or negative consequences for other people. So, you have the power to influence the life of others.

7 Laws of Attraction

How to use the Law of Expanding Influence?

Giving that you have the power to influence the life of others, the question is, do you want to influence positively or negatively? Well, let’s say that you want to leave positive consequences on other people’s lives. Then, you need to pay attention to your energy because your energy is the one that has the power. Choose your thoughts, your emotions, your vibration, and your energy consciously! Choose only positive thoughts because positive thoughts will leave a positive influence on your life, but also the life of others.

Law of Expanding Influence techniques

If you want to expand a positive influence then, you can use a technique called Affirmation. Affirm the things that you want for yourself and others. These positive affirmations to say every day (positive thoughts/sentences/wishes) will make you feel good instantly. 

Law of Expanding Influence examples

You can find examples of the influence of your positive energy on an everyday basis. Just observe somebody you love being sad and having a bad day. Go on, send him positive thoughts, hold him, kiss him, affirm something in his name. You will witness a positive change in his day. Become aware of the power you have and enrich other people’s lives. It will help you live a better life, too.

Want to read more about Law of Attraction?




  1. As everything has some positive and some negative effects. So manifestation has also some positive and negative effects. Positive effects can improve your thoughts and help you to self-development. Negative manifestation can help you to destroy anything. Now it depends on what you accept and what you follow…

  2. thanks….!!! It has helped me Have A Better Understanding of how Positive Thinking plays a Major Part in How Your Life Can Be Just How you think about Life…!!!

  3. Important to note a correction–

    (Where it begins: Non-duality and the Law of Manifestation)

    The Law of Manifestation says that you should **(NOT)** be feeling guilty or selfish for allowing yourself to live the life you want. After all, you deserve to live the life of your dreams, just like everybody else.

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