Who Invented Angel Numbers? Tracing the roots and the inventors

Have you ever wondered who invented angel numbers?

Exploring the origins and history of angel numbers, rooted in Pythagorean angelic symbolism and the mysticism of the angelic realm, can shed light on their significance. It can also provide insights into how they have become an integral part of the spiritual industry today. Incorporating elements of mathematics and mysticism, these angel numbers hold a special place in the world of spiritual exploration.

who invented angel numbers

Join us as we delve into the fascinating world of Pythagorean angelic symbolism and uncover the story behind the invention of angel numbers. Let’s explore this mystical realm where spirit guides and the spiritual universe intertwine with our everyday lives, connecting the dots through signs and symbols.

The Origins and History of Angel Numbers

The concept of angel numbers, also known as numerical signs, has existed for centuries in ancient civilizations such as Babylon, Egypt, and Greece. These numerical signs were believed to be messages from divine beings, connecting humans and their spirit guides in the spiritual universe.

Who Invented Angel Numbers

One key factor in the development of angel numbers is numerology. This new age system assigns symbolic meanings to numbers based on their vibrations and energy. Numerologists believe each number carries a unique significance and can provide insights into various aspects of life. This word has gained popularity over the years among those seeking spiritual guidance.

Divine Communication through Numbers

Throughout history, numerous religious texts and mystical traditions have mentioned the presence of divine beings communicating through numerical signs. These signs, often seen as symbols or odd numbers, are interpreted as messages or guidance from higher realms in the language of the divine word.

In the past years, there have been several instances in the Bible where numbers have spread spiritual messages. One well-known example is the number 7, which is associated with perfection and completion. In the Book of Genesis, God creates the world in six days and rests on the seventh day, signifying completeness.

Cultural Interpretations

As time passed over the new age of many years, different cultures embraced and interpreted angel numbers uniquely. Here are some examples.

  • Babylon: Ancient Babylonians believed certain numbers were connected to specific deities or cosmic forces. They used numerology to understand these connections and gain insight into their lives.
  • Egypt: In Ancient Egypt, numbers were significant in religious rituals and ceremonies. Egyptians believed understanding the symbolism behind numbers could help them connect with spiritual realms.
  • Greece: The ancient Greeks also emphasized numbers and their symbolic meanings. Pythagoras, a Greek philosopher known for his contributions to mathematics, developed a system where each number represented specific qualities or attributes.

Dow Balliett and Dr. Juno Jordan: Pioneers in Angel Number Invention

Dow Balliett was a trailblazer in the late 19th century, known for her efforts to popularize the connection between numerology and spirituality. Her work laid the foundation for understanding the symbolism behind number sequences, including what we now refer to as angel numbers.

Balliett delved into ancient texts and studied various spiritual philosophies to uncover the hidden meanings behind numbers. She believed that numbers were profound in our lives and could offer guidance from higher realms. Through her research, she discovered that specific number patterns often appeared during significant moments or when individuals required spiritual insights.

Juno Jordan: Expanding Numerological Insights

Building upon Balliett’s work, Dr. Juno Jordan contributed significantly to further expanding our understanding of angel numbers’ significance through numerology. While Balliett focused on establishing the groundwork, Jordan explored how numerological principles could be applied practically to enhance personal growth and self-awareness.

Jordan emphasized that each number held unique vibrations and energies that influenced different aspects of our lives — from relationships to career choices and everything in between. By examining recurring number sequences or angel numbers appearing in one’s life, individuals could gain valuable insights into their current circumstances or upcoming opportunities.

In her influential book “Numerology: The Romance in Your Name,” published in 1965, Jordan provided readers with practical methods to decode these angelic messages within odd-number numeric patterns. This allowed people to navigate life’s challenges with a more profound understanding of their purpose and potential.

Dr. Juno Jordan’s work in numerology has greatly expanded our understanding of angel numbers and their significance. Her contributions have provided practical methods for decoding these messages and gaining valuable insights into our lives.

Pythagoras’ Contribution to the Invention of Angel Numbers

Pythagoras, a renowned ancient Greek philosopher and mathematician, played a pivotal role in shaping the development of numerology. His philosophical teachings centered around the belief that mathematical principles could unlock an understanding of the physical world and spiritual concepts. Through his exploration of numbers, Pythagoras laid the groundwork for interpreting angel numbers as we know them today.

who invented angel numbers

The Interconnectedness of Numbers and Vibrations

One key aspect of Pythagorean numerology is the emphasis on the interconnectedness between numbers, vibrations, and cosmic harmony. Pythagoras believed that each number possessed its own unique vibration and energy. He saw these vibrations as fundamental building blocks that formed the fabric of our universe. This notion resonates deeply with interpretations of angel numbers, which suggest that these numerical sequences carry specific messages from divine beings or higher realms.

Spiritual Significance Unveiled by Pythagorean Numerology

Pythagorean numerology explores the inherent spiritual significance behind numbers. According to this system, each number holds symbolic meaning and can provide insights into various aspects of life. For instance:

  • Number 1 represents individuality, independence, and new beginnings.
  • Number 2 signifies balance, harmony, and partnerships.
  • Number 3 embodies creativity, self-expression, and communication.

By delving into these symbolic meanings assigned to different numbers, practitioners can interpret angel numbers based on their sequence and context in an individual’s life.

Angelic Symbology: Merging Spirituality with Mathematics

The concept of angelic symbolism stems from Pythagorean numerology’s fusion with spirituality. It involves assigning symbolic representations to specific numerical sequences believed to be messages from angels or divine entities. These messages are said to offer guidance or support during significant moments in one’s life journey.

For example:

  • Seeing angel number 111 could indicate that you are aligned with your life purpose and should continue pursuing your passions.
  • Encountering angel number 777 might signify spiritual growth and a reminder to trust in the divine guidance unfolding in your life.

Pythagoras’ teachings on numerology laid the groundwork for understanding these spiritual connections between numbers and angelic messages.

Pythagorean Numerology: A Mathematical Approach to Spirituality

Pythagorean numerology offers a mathematical framework through which to explore spirituality. It provides a systematic approach to deciphering the hidden meanings within numerical sequences, including angel numbers. By analyzing patterns, relationships, and vibrations associated with different numbers, practitioners can gain insights into their spiritual journey and receive guidance from higher realms.

Tracing the First Use and Origin of the Term “Angel Numbers”

While it may be challenging to pinpoint an exact moment when the term “angel numbers” was first used, historical records offer glimpses into related concepts throughout different cultures’ histories. In Ancient Greece, for instance, Pythagoras introduced the idea that numbers held symbolic meanings and could reveal hidden truths about the universe. This belief laid the foundation for numerology and its association with divine communication.

Similarly, ancient civilizations like Egypt and Babylon practiced divination through numerology. They believed that specific number combinations held significance and could convey messages from deities or otherworldly entities. These practices demonstrate a long-standing fascination with numerical signs as spiritual guidance.

Doreen Virtue’s Contribution to Understanding Angel Numbers

Doreen Virtue is a name that stands out. She has played a pivotal role in popularizing the interpretation of angel numbers in modern times. Virtue introduced angel numbers to a broader audience through her numerous books and teachings and provided practical guidance on their meanings.

Virtue’s work emphasized the importance of angelic communication and how it can enhance spiritual growth and well-being. She believed that angels use numbers to communicate with us, guiding us along our life path. Understanding these messages allows us to gain valuable insights into our current situations and make more informed decisions.

While some may argue that Virtue did not invent angel numbers, her contributions have undeniably influenced the understanding and interpretation of this phenomenon. Her ability to simplify complex concepts made angel numbers accessible to people from all walks of life.

5 facts about the origins of angel numbers

  1. The concept of angel numbers can be traced back to ancient civilizations, including the Babylonians, Egyptians, and Greeks, who believed that numbers held mystical and spiritual significance.
  2. The term “angel numbers” was popularized by L. Dow Balliett, an American author and numerologist, in the late 19th century.
  3. Angel numbers originate in numerology, a belief system that assigns spiritual meaning to numbers.
  4. Pythagoras, the Greek philosopher and mathematician, is often credited with developing the foundations of numerology.
  5. Balliett’s book, “The Day of Wisdom According to Number Vibration,” introduced the concept of angel numbers to a wider audience.


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Conclusion: Unveiling the Inventor(s) of Angel Numbers

In conclusion, the origins and history of angel numbers are deeply rooted in numerology and spirituality. While it is difficult to pinpoint a single inventor, several individuals have significantly contributed to understanding and interpreting angel numbers.

Dow Balliett and Dr. Juno Jordan are recognized as pioneers in the invention of angel numbers. They were early proponents of numerology and developed systems for assigning meaning to specific number sequences. Their work laid the foundation for modern interpretations of angel numbers.

Pythagoras, the ancient Greek philosopher and mathematician, also played a crucial role in the invention of angel numbers. His teachings on numerology emphasized the significance of numbers concerning spiritual truths. Pythagoras’ theories continue influencing our understanding of angelic messages conveyed through number sequences.


How did Pythagoras come up with angel numbers?

Pythagoras did not come up with angel numbers. The concept of angel numbers is not attributed to a specific individual or origin. Angel numbers are a spiritual belief that numbers can carry messages from angels or the divine realm.

Where did angel numbers originate from?

Angel numbers are believed to have originated from various spiritual and religious traditions. These numbers are believed to be messages from angels, guiding and communicating with individuals in their daily lives. While the concept of angel numbers has been around for centuries, it was Doreen Virtue who made significant contributions to understanding and popularizing angel numbers in modern times.

What religion do angel numbers come from?

Angel numbers are not associated with any specific religion. They are a spiritual concept that transcends religious boundaries. Angel numbers are believed to be messages from the divine or spiritual realm, sent by angels or other higher beings to communicate with us.

What are angel numbers?

Angel numbers are specific number sequences believed to carry spiritual messages from angels or higher beings. These sequences often appear repeatedly in a person’s life, serving as signs and guidance.

How can I interpret angel numbers?

Interpreting angel numbers involves understanding the symbolism and meaning associated with each number sequence. Numerology and spirituality play a significant role in deciphering these messages.

Can anyone receive angel numbers?

Yes, anyone can receive angel numbers. These divine messages are not limited to a specific group of people. Still, they are available to all who are open to receiving them.

Are angel numbers just coincidences?

While some may dismiss angel numbers as mere coincidences, they typically occur with such frequency and consistency that they cannot be easily explained. Attention to these occurrences can provide valuable insights into one’s life path.

How can I connect with my guardian angels through angel numbers?

Connecting with your guardian angels through angel numbers is essential to be open and receptive. Take time for reflection, meditation, and developing your intuition. By attuning yourself to the subtle messages conveyed by these number sequences, you can establish a deeper connection with your spiritual guides.

Can I ask for specific guidance through angel numbers?

Yes, you can ask for specific guidance through angel numbers. When seeking answers or clarity on particular aspects of your life, focus your thoughts and intentions on those areas before looking for signs in number sequences. Trust that the divine realm will provide the guidance you seek.

How do I know if an interpretation of an angel number is accurate?

Interpretations of angel numbers vary depending on individual beliefs and experiences. Ultimately, it is up to you to discern what resonates most deeply within yourself. Trust your intuition and inner knowing when deciphering the meanings behind angel numbers.


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