Esta declaración de privacidad se actualizó por última vez el enero 12, 2024 y se aplica a los ciudadanos y residentes legales permanentes del Espacio Económico Europeo y Suiza.

En esta declaración de privacidad, explicamos lo que hacemos con los datos que obtenemos sobre usted a través de Le recomendamos que lea atentamente esta declaración. En nuestro procesamiento cumplimos con los requisitos de la legislación de privacidad. Lo que significa, entre otras cosas, que:

  • indicamos claramente los fines para los que procesamos los datos personales. Hacemos esto por medio de esta declaración de privacidad.
  • nos proponemos limitar nuestra recopilación de datos personales a los datos personales necesarios para fines legítimos;
  • en primer lugar, solicitamos su consentimiento explícito para el tratamiento de sus datos personales en los casos en que sea necesario.
  • tomamos las medidas de seguridad adecuadas para proteger sus datos personales y también lo exigimos a las partes que procesan datos personales en nuestro nombre;
  • respetamos su derecho a acceder, rectificar o cancelar sus datos personales previa solicitud.

Si tiene alguna pregunta o quiere saber exactamente qué datos guardamos de usted, póngase en contacto con nosotros.

1. Propósito, datos y periodo de retención

Podemos recopilar o recibir información personal para un número de propósitos relacionados con nuestras operaciones comerciales, que pueden incluir lo siguiente: (haga clic para expandir)

2. Cookies

Nuestra web utiliza cookies. Para más información acerca de las cookies, por favor consulte nuestra Política de cookies

3. Prácticas de divulgación

Divulgamos información personal si nos lo exige la ley o una orden judicial, en respuesta a un organismo encargado de hacer cumplir la ley, en la medida en que lo permitan otras disposiciones legales, para proporcionar información o para una investigación sobre un asunto relacionado con la seguridad pública.

Si nuestro sitio web o nuestra organización son adquiridos, vendidos o participan en una fusión o adquisición, sus datos podrán ser revelados a nuestros asesores y a los posibles compradores, y se transmitirán a los nuevos propietarios.

Tenemos un Acuerdo de procesamiento de datos con Google.

Google no puede utilizar los datos para otros servicios de Google.

La inclusión de direcciones IP completas está bloqueada por nosotros.

4. Seguridad

Estamos comprometidos con la seguridad de los datos personales. Tomamos las medidas de seguridad adecuadas para limitar el abuso y el acceso no autorizado a los datos personales. Esto asegura que sólo las personas necesarias tengan acceso a sus datos, que el acceso a los datos esté protegido y que nuestras medidas de seguridad sean revisadas regularmente.

5. Webs de terceros

Esta declaración de privacidad no se aplica a las webs de terceros conectados mediante enlaces en nuestra web. No podemos garantizar que estas terceras partes manejen sus datos personales de forma fiable o segura. Le recomendamos que lea las declaraciones de privacidad de estas webs antes de utilizarlos.

6. Modificaciones de esta declaración de privacidad

Nos reservamos el derecho de hacer enmiendas a esta declaración de privacidad. Se recomienda que consulte esta declaración de privacidad regularmente para estar al tanto de cualquier cambio. Además, le informaremos activamente siempre que sea posible.

7. Acceso y modificación de sus datos

Si tiene alguna pregunta o desea saber qué datos personales tenemos sobre usted, póngase en contacto con nosotros. Puede ponerse en contacto con nosotros utilizando la siguiente información. Usted tiene los siguientes derechos:

  • Usted tiene derecho a saber por qué se necesitan sus datos personales, qué sucederá con ellos y durante cuánto tiempo se conservarán.
  • Derecho de acceso: Tiene derecho a acceder a los datos personales que conocemos sobre usted.
  • Derecho de rectificación: tiene derecho a completar, rectificar, borrar o bloquear sus datos personales cuando lo desee.
  • Si usted nos da su consentimiento para procesar sus datos, tiene derecho a revocar dicho consentimiento y a que se eliminen sus datos personales.
  • Derecho de cesión de sus datos: tiene derecho a solicitar todos sus datos personales al responsable y a transferirlos íntegramente a otro responsable del tratamiento de datos.
  • Derecho de oposición: usted puede oponerse al tratamiento de sus datos. Nosotros cumplimos con esto, a menos que existan motivos justificados para el procesamiento.

Por favor, asegúrese de indicar siempre claramente quién es usted, para que podamos estar seguros de que no modificamos o eliminamos ningún dato de la persona equivocada.

8. Enviando una reclamación

Si no está satisfecho con la forma en que tratamos o procesamos sus datos personales, tiene derecho a presentar una queja a la Autoridad de protección de datos.

9. Datos de contacto


Correo electrónico:
Número de teléfono: +372

10. Solicitud de Datos

Para las solicitudes más frecuentes, también le ofrecemos la posibilidad de utilizar nuestro formulario de solicitud de datos




WPML uses cookies to identify the visitor’s current language, the last visited language and the language of users who have logged in. While you use the plugin, WPML will share data regarding the site through Installer. No data from the user itself will be shared.

Site Reviews

This sample language includes the basics around what personal data you may be collecting and storing. Depending on what settings are enabled and which additional plugins are used, the specific information will vary. We recommend consulting with a lawyer when deciding what information to disclose on your privacy policy.


Suggested text: When you leave a review on the site, we collect and store the data submitted in the review form as well as your IP address to help with spam detection. The review may be checked through Akismet, an automated spam detection service. The Akismet service privacy policy is available here: An anonymized string created from your email address (also called a hash) may be provided to the Gravatar service to see if you are using it to store an avatar. The Gravatar service privacy policy is available here: After approval of your review, your profile picture is visible to the public in the context of your review.

WPML Media Translation

WPML Media Translation will send the email address and name of each manager and assigned translator as well as the content itself to Advanced Translation Editor and to the translation services which are used.

WPML Translation Management

WPML Translation Management will send the email address and name of each manager and assigned translator as well as the content itself to Advanced Translation Editor and to the translation services which are used.

WPML String Translation

WPML String Translation will send all strings to WPML’s Advanced Translation Editor and to the translation services which are used.

Complianz | The Privacy Suite for WordPress

This website uses the Privacy Suite for WordPress from Complianz to collect records of consent. For this functionality your IP address is anonymized and stored in our database. For more information, see the Complianz Privacy Statement.

Eaven Extension

When using Eaven Extension (the required plugin for Eaven theme) on your site, as the site administrator, you may need to include the following information into your Privacy Policy for GDPR complaint:

What personal data we collect and why we collect it


When you click the “like” button (heart icon) to like a post, a post likes cookie will be saved in the browser on your computer. This cookie includes no personal data and simply indicates the post ID of the post you just liked. Those cookies last for 30 days. So you will not be able to click on the button again within 30 days to “like” the same post again. Post Likes cookies are those beginning with “loftocean_post_likes_post-“. To find out more about cookies, including how to see what cookies have been set and how to block and delete cookies, please visit

Embedded content from other websites

(To site administrator: you only need to include this information into your Privacy Policy when you display your Facebook page in a widget area (sidebar or site footer) by using the custom widget - Eaven Facebook.) The Facebook widget on this site is embedded content from another website - Facebook ( It behaves in the exact same way as if the visitor has visited the Facebook website. The Facebook website may collect data about you, use cookies, embed additional third-party tracking, and monitor your interaction with that embedded content, including tracing your interaction with the embedded content if you have an account and are logged in to that website.

LiteSpeed Cache

This site utilizes caching in order to facilitate a faster response time and better user experience. Caching potentially stores a duplicate copy of every web page that is on display on this site. All cache files are temporary, and are never accessed by any third party, except as necessary to obtain technical support from the cache plugin vendor. Cache files expire on a schedule set by the site administrator, but may easily be purged by the admin before their natural expiration, if necessary. We may use services to process & cache your data temporarily.Please see for more details.


WPML uses cookies to identify the visitor’s current language, the last visited language and the language of users who have logged in. While you use the plugin, WPML will share data regarding the site through Installer. No data from the user itself will be shared.

Site Reviews

This sample language includes the basics around what personal data you may be collecting and storing. Depending on what settings are enabled and which additional plugins are used, the specific information will vary. We recommend consulting with a lawyer when deciding what information to disclose on your privacy policy.


Suggested text: When you leave a review on the site, we collect and store the data submitted in the review form as well as your IP address to help with spam detection. The review may be checked through Akismet, an automated spam detection service. The Akismet service privacy policy is available here: An anonymized string created from your email address (also called a hash) may be provided to the Gravatar service to see if you are using it to store an avatar. The Gravatar service privacy policy is available here: After approval of your review, your profile picture is visible to the public in the context of your review.

WPML Media Translation

WPML Media Translation will send the email address and name of each manager and assigned translator as well as the content itself to Advanced Translation Editor and to the translation services which are used.

WPML Translation Management

WPML Translation Management will send the email address and name of each manager and assigned translator as well as the content itself to Advanced Translation Editor and to the translation services which are used.

WPML String Translation

WPML String Translation will send all strings to WPML’s Advanced Translation Editor and to the translation services which are used.

Complianz | The Privacy Suite for WordPress

This website uses the Privacy Suite for WordPress from Complianz to collect records of consent. For this functionality your IP address is anonymized and stored in our database. For more information, see the Complianz Privacy Statement.

Eaven Extension

When using Eaven Extension (the required plugin for Eaven theme) on your site, as the site administrator, you may need to include the following information into your Privacy Policy for GDPR complaint:

What personal data we collect and why we collect it


When you click the “like” button (heart icon) to like a post, a post likes cookie will be saved in the browser on your computer. This cookie includes no personal data and simply indicates the post ID of the post you just liked. Those cookies last for 30 days. So you will not be able to click on the button again within 30 days to “like” the same post again. Post Likes cookies are those beginning with “loftocean_post_likes_post-“. To find out more about cookies, including how to see what cookies have been set and how to block and delete cookies, please visit

Embedded content from other websites

(To site administrator: you only need to include this information into your Privacy Policy when you display your Facebook page in a widget area (sidebar or site footer) by using the custom widget - Eaven Facebook.) The Facebook widget on this site is embedded content from another website - Facebook ( It behaves in the exact same way as if the visitor has visited the Facebook website. The Facebook website may collect data about you, use cookies, embed additional third-party tracking, and monitor your interaction with that embedded content, including tracing your interaction with the embedded content if you have an account and are logged in to that website.

LiteSpeed Cache

This site utilizes caching in order to facilitate a faster response time and better user experience. Caching potentially stores a duplicate copy of every web page that is on display on this site. All cache files are temporary, and are never accessed by any third party, except as necessary to obtain technical support from the cache plugin vendor. Cache files expire on a schedule set by the site administrator, but may easily be purged by the admin before their natural expiration, if necessary. We may use services to process & cache your data temporarily.Please see for more details.

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