Should you visualize? Make a vision board? Meditate? Pray? Speak it out loud? Write it down? Ask and forget about it? Should you be incredibly specific? Or vague and general?
I’m sure you have heard so many different ways to manifest.
But which one is the best one? Which one is most effective? And some of them seem conflicting, don’t they?
And the honest answer is…
And here’s why.
Everyone is different and so different ways to manifest work for different people.
I suggest you try them all and see which one EXCITES you the most!
Because to access the power of Law of Attraction in order to manifest your dreams, you have to tap into the FEELING of it as if it already happened.
And so all the tools of manifestation that you have heard of all work… but not for every single person every single time.
(Which we’ll go deeper into in my upcoming workshop on May 11th – Bust Through the Common Blocks of Manifestation.)
As someone who has been learning about manifestation for 20 years and counting…
And as a manifestation coach who has been teaching conscious creation for 6 years now…
I can offer you a couple of suggestions when it comes to manifestation!
- Get clear on what you want
Write it down on a piece of paper and get into both the specifics of the thing you desire… but also go general and write down the feelings you want to experience once you manifest the thing.
(This targets both the specific + non-specific manifesters.)
- Tap into the feeling that you would experience once you had the thing
This is where it’s different for everyone. Does speaking it out loud as if it already happened thrill you? Or would writing it down like you were telling your best friend about the experience do it for you? Or perhaps creating a vision board and staring at it and imagining it already happened give you the feelings you are going for?
Try a variety of manifesting modalities to bring the feelings into your body.
- Keep focusing on the future
A big block to manifesting is that people are noticing ‘what is’ or they are even looking to the past ‘failures’ and predicting the future based on the past.
But the reality is, what you want is in the future, not in the past. So don’t look back. Keep looking forward to where you are going and get excited about it manifesting.
Have more questions? Blocks? Want to learn more about manifestation? Join me on May 11th (or catch the replay) – Bust Through the Common Blocks of Manifestation.)